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32nd Friday@5: Creativity in Classrooms

Dr. Atul Nischal

It was a pleasure to moderate the discussion on various aspects that impact creativity in our classrooms. My guest panelists were Mr. Ganesha Balasubramanian, Former Director (Academics) CBSE and Chairperson, Advisory Board, ICSL and Mr. Giri Balasubramaniam, India's leading Quizmaster.

From the day we started Friday@5, the active participation of attendees has been the main reason for the show's popularity. We get some really interesting questions at the time of the registration and during the program. In addition, the comments in the chat provide so much learning. So, I thought of sharing this wealth of knowledge with everyone through a blog. After all, that is the entire purpose of forming ICSL.

Here are some of the questions submitted by our participants. You may want to answer any of these in the comments below.

Snehal Jani, Indian school Al Wadi al Kabir, Oman

How to teach music creatively in the classroom through virtual teaching?

Dr Abdul Hakeem, Vice Principal, Lakshadweep

How to balance the temperament of an 'institutional teacher' in a classroom to improve classroom creativity?

Vasanthi Sundararajan, Principal, Padma Seshadri School, Chennai

Most teachers in spite of attending several workshops continue to teach in the conventional way as it is convenient. Although some are open to new ideas they are reluctant to experiment for fear of not completing the portions. Especially in higher classes. How do we get teachers to inherently adopt creativity in their approach?

Hameed Ali Yahya, Vice Principal, Indian School Ras Al Khaimah Maamoura

The curriculum needs to include activities that help students develop and achieve a lot of life skills. But there are a lot of issues when things come to the practical side, especially in terms of the time factor. How can we find a solution for this?

Sunita Sharma, School owner, The Cambridge School, Jaipur

How to retain creativity during online classes?

Darshan Sawant, Coordinator, New English School, Landewadi

While teaching abstract concepts teachers use creative tools that are not included in a lesson plan. Is it necessary to include such unplanned creative activity while teaching which involves any of the available tools?


Let me also share some of the comments we got on the chat. Please feel free to respond to them as you wish.

Tushar Upadhyay Can we have creative assessments?

Sheetal Achoriwala

It’s not that we lack creativity. Basically, we have the mentality that what if we go wrong. Also we are scared to face defeats. Somewhere we all prefer what is served on the platter.

Jamila Firdaus

Every soul is creative when encouraged with passion and compassion. When an individual works on personal growth and self-awareness, creativity will find its way.


Every child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist when you grow up.

Ajay Pattnaik

Creativity talks of one's innate potentialities.

Priti Sehgal

The ability to make or produce new things using skill or imagination is called creativity.

Pratima More

Every child is artist but we need to find the proper art in it. Just pushing a talented kid is not ok until we push every kid to find their talent.

Shakun Wadhwa

Creativity is the ability of a person to create, perform, or think of something in a way that has not been done before. Creative classrooms give an opportunity for students to learn with fun. According to me an involvement with students in class with creative ideas that they enjoy and learn a lot.

Revathi M

Creativity is giving wings to our imagination, free from the shackles of being judged by one's marks. The creativity of a teacher and parents alike lies in understanding the different approaches of each child. creative teacher and creative parents, together nurture creativity in children. Presently with online teaching, limited time, and even limited gadgets available with each family, how to foster creativity among teachers and students?

Kala Rao

Variation is the way of life and that has to be respected.

Kanmani Kavitha K

We definitely need to respect individual differences!

Anitha R

To be creative, encourage autonomy and independence of a teacher and build the trust and students can make mistakes in front of a teacher...then the classroom will become creative. Happy teacher and student can make the class more creative.

Manisha Tyagi

Creativity instigates creativity.

Mahesh Iyer

The creative teacher is the one who makes kids think differently.

Chander Mohan

Creativity is to see something which does not exist already.

Srividya Mouli

Flawed reasoning is an exciting opportunity that evokes creative thinking. We look at it as a failure of the teacher. We as teachers rarely are risk-takers and take a stance that a child's innate curiosity is what drives learning. Socratic dialogue and exploratory talk helps all delve deeper.

Mamta Madan

Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status. Necessity is the mother of invention, but its father is creativity, and knowledge is the midwife.

Sriekala Nair

Creativity is that wing of our thoughts that grows out passionately without any expectations but with plain enjoyment. Yes, all teachers are not alike. There are individual differences, Even students are not same. hence any thought in the classroom , out of the box, should be taken a creative. No. a principal who has no knowledge of creativity can not guide teachers. But Teachers are into the process of academic planning and tools and instruments, so teachers can come up with something

Mriganka Chaudhry

Creative insights need time to percolate. Also, distractions help creativity. Thus can procrastination fuel creativity?

Divya Sunil

Is there a difference between teaching for creativity and creative teaching?

Padmavathi P

Creativity is breathing human expressions to sculpted minds.

Jayanthi Shrigovind

When teachers research for every topic, within the next 2 classes, at least 30-40% of students do research at their end and share...then it becomes two-way learning and teaching! (from personal experience). If Creativity can cause a minor disruption in a classroom....then we are getting somewhere!

Jaya Jacob

Proper climate and change in the approach and attitude of our teachers can bring creativity in the classrooms

Vijayashree v

Creativity is not just a part of the curriculum it is blended with the entire curriculum.

Deeksha Agarwal

Creativity comes from the inner self, not from practice.

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03 apr 2021

Vasanthi Sundararajan, Principal, Padma Seshadri School, Chennai

Most teachers in spite of attending several workshops continue to teach in the conventional way as it is convenient. Although some are open to new ideas they are reluctant to experiment for fear of not completing the portions. Especially in higher classes. How do we get teachers to inherently adopt creativity in their approach?

Suggestions: To adopt creativity with traditional teaching would be difficult but not impossible. Only we need to plan our lessons not chapterwise but topicwise.

Like if we are going to use Experiential learning, then its possible the the particular activity can cover few topics of onechapter and few of others of the same subject. In that way in…

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